Diagnostics-TK Part 1: Running diagnostic checks during incidents

observability | sre | diagnostics-tk


During incidents triggered by alerting on black box monitors or symptomatic metrics such as RED metrics1, an interesting behavior often emerges. The responding engineers start to execute various diagnostic checks (aka troubleshooting) to get an understanding of what exactly is happening.

There might be various reason for that but generally it boils down to the following:

  • The observability stack doesn't contain the required data to convey insight into the state of all the involved parts hence validation tests need to be executed manually.
  • The observability stack contains the necessary data but it requires interpretation and therefore subject matter expertise to conclude on the state of some part.

Depending on the complexity of the service and the number of teams involved, this can cause a long period of uncertainty prior to getting a grip on the incident at hand. It impacts Mean Time To Recovery (MTTR) and it's not a pattern which allows for iterative improvement.

Diagnostic tests

Instead of executing these diagnostic tests manually, how can we implement them into a solution which allows us to start the incident as well informed as possible?

Having a list of diagnostic checks available to execute during an incident is always valuable:

  • On failure they point into the right direction or the root cause.
  • On success they allow to concentrate efforts elsewhere.

In this article we will explore using Diagnostics-TK to provide answers to the following questions:

  • How can we make tests re-usable?
  • How can we logically group tests together to represent larger concepts?
  • How can we gradually extend these diagnostic tests and include lessons learned from the past?
  • How can we present these checks as simple questions and answers which are easy to understand for everyone.
  • How can we set the bar as low as possible to add new tests?
  • How can we democratize access?


Diagnostics-TK is a simple, lightweight test runner written in Python. Defining tests is done in Python itself and not through a configuration format such as YAML or JSON on purpose. Instead, it takes advantage of Python's properties as a language to compose and organize the tests whilst the code remains simple enough to be understood by everyone.

Re-usable diagnostics tests

Diagnostics-TK expects tests defined as class methods prefixed with test_2. Python classes are used as a container to logically group tests together and make them re-usable. How to group your tests together into something which makes sense for your organization is an exercise left up to the reader.

Let's assume we have a service called MyCompanyService which relies on the availability of the Twitter and Instagram API. To keep things simple, let's say network availability and the ability to resolve the hostname is sufficient.


#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from diagnostics_tk import DiagnosticsRunner
from diagnostics_tk.tools import exec_cli

class MyCompanyServiceInstagram:
    def test_host_up(self):
        result, reason = exec_cli(
            f"nmap -sP api.instagram.com",
            stdout_pattern="Host is up",
        assert result, reason

    def test_hostname_resolvable(self):
        result, reason = exec_cli(
            f"dig api.instagram.com @",
            stdout_pattern="status: NOERROR",
        assert result, reason

class MyCompanyServiceTwitter:
    def test_host_up(self):
        result, reason = exec_cli(
            f"nmap -sP api.twitter.com",
            stdout_pattern="Host is up",
        assert result, reason

    def test_hostname_resolvable(self):
        result, reason = exec_cli(
            f"dig api.twitter.com @",
            stdout_pattern="status: NOERROR",
        assert result, reason

def main():
    with DiagnosticsRunner(name="MyCompanyService", workers=5) as runner:

if __name__ == "__main__":


Assuming the underlying nmap and dig command is available3 and all goes well, the above code should yield following output when executed:

2023-05-07 12:09:39,651 - DEBUG - Registered `twitter-api` as a test collection.
2023-05-07 12:09:39,652 - DEBUG - Registered `instagram-api` as a test collection.
2023-05-07 12:09:39,690 - INFO - MyCompanyService::MyCompanyServiceTwitter(twitter-api)::test_hostname_resolvable - OK
2023-05-07 12:09:39,690 - INFO - MyCompanyService::MyCompanyServiceInstagram(instagram-api)::test_hostname_resolvable - OK
2023-05-07 12:09:39,706 - INFO - MyCompanyService::MyCompanyServiceInstagram(instagram-api)::test_host_up - OK
2023-05-07 12:09:40,512 - INFO - MyCompanyService::MyCompanyServiceTwitter(twitter-api)::test_host_up - OK

Although it serves its purpose, it's not really re-usable code. Each time there is a new test_ to be added or a new social media service it would result in code duplication.

Consider the following improved example:


#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from diagnostics_tk import DiagnosticsRunner
from diagnostics_tk.tools import exec_cli

class SocialMediaAPI:
    def __init__(self, hostname):
        self.hostname = hostname

    def test_host_up(self):
        """ """
        result, reason = exec_cli(
            f"nmap -sP {self.hostname}",
            stdout_pattern="Host is up",
        assert result, reason

    def test_hostname_resolvable(self):
        """ """
        result, reason = exec_cli(
            f"dig {self.hostname} @",
            stdout_pattern="status: NOERROR",
        assert result, reason

def main():
    with DiagnosticsRunner(name="MyCompanyService", workers=5) as runner:

if __name__ == "__main__":

The above example rewrites the individual MyCompanyServiceTwitter style classes into a single generic class MyCompanyServiceSocialMedia which accepts hostname as a variable. By using this variable in the various underlying test cases, we can achieve the same results as our first example by re-using a single class. Additionally, as you can see, an social media API test has been added to MyCompanyService named facebook-api without much effort.

We can simplify this example even further by converting the above test class into a distributable Python module and package4 which would make our test code look even more condense:


#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from diagnostics_tk import DiagnosticsRunner
from mycompany_diagnostic_tests import MyCompanyServiceSocialMedia

def main():
    with DiagnosticsRunner(name="MyCompanyService", workers=5) as runner:

if __name__ == "__main__":


2023-05-07 12:24:07,902 - DEBUG - Registered `twitter-api` as a test collection.
2023-05-07 12:24:07,903 - DEBUG - Registered `instagram-api` as a test collection.
2023-05-07 12:24:07,903 - DEBUG - Registered `facebook-api` as a test collection.
2023-05-07 12:24:07,943 - INFO - my_infra::MyCompanyServiceSocialMedia(instagram-api)::test_hostname_resolvable - OK
2023-05-07 12:24:07,944 - INFO - my_infra::MyCompanyServiceSocialMedia(twitter-api)::test_hostname_resolvable - OK
2023-05-07 12:24:07,963 - INFO - my_infra::MyCompanyServiceSocialMedia(facebook-api)::test_host_up - OK
2023-05-07 12:24:07,964 - INFO - my_infra::MyCompanyServiceSocialMedia(instagram-api)::test_host_up - OK
2023-05-07 12:24:07,978 - INFO - my_infra::MyCompanyServiceSocialMedia(facebook-api)::test_hostname_resolvable - OK
2023-05-07 12:24:08,761 - INFO - my_infra::MyCompanyServiceSocialMedia(twitter-api)::test_host_up - OK

Final Notes

During incidents people run diagnostic tests for various reasons. Instead of doing this ad-hoc and manually, the article explores the possibility to use Diagnostics-TK instead.

We have focused on how to design tests in a re-usable fashion by taking advantage of how we organize code in Python. In a series of articles we will focus on further answering the questions and challenges outlined in the article.

If you have any feedback or suggestions, don't hesitate to get in touch on Twitter.


  1. RED metrics explained. 

  2. Python classes explained. 

  3. This example uses diagnostics_tk.tools.exec_cli to execute shell commands but you are not obliged to. You could very well write native Python instead doing exactly the same thing. 

  4. Python modules and packaging explained.